Ebook FAQ

What is an eBook?

What are the advantages of eBooks?

Are the contents of printed and eBooks different?

Does copyright protection apply?

Can I only read eBooks when I am online?

Can eBooks also be printed out?

Where do I find the link to download my eBook(s)?

May I file copies of an eBook?


What is an eBook?

An eBook is an electronic edition of a book. In the Coachshop, we make the books available in Adobe PDF format. You only need a PDF Reader that should already be installed on your computer—thus, no problem. You can also download the Adobe Reader here:

The PDF format can also be read by every other common eBook reader.

What are the advantages of eBooks?

You can build large libraries of eBooks on your computer; the memory requirement is small and they are always available on your computer when you want to refer to them.

Are the contents of printed books and eBooks different?

Yes, in the sense that eBooks often have significantly fewer pages than printed books because the format we use is DIN A4. Print media have, for the most part, a significantly smaller format and thus, more pages.

Does copyright protection apply?

Yes, our eBooks receive a digital stamp so that every individual order/name can be referenced.

Can I only read eBooks when I am online?

Certainly not because the eBook will be available offline after you download it. But the download of the book can naturally only be carried out online.

Can eBooks also be printed out?

No, a printed version is, as a rule, not possible and is not allowed for eBooks. But for some eBooks, the printing is permitted by us anyway. Check the description of the book to determine if this is possible.

Where do I find the link to download my eBook(s)?

You will find the download link in your user account under “My eBooks”. It will be available for you there in the form of two downloads after our confirmation of your payment. After downloading the book, save it on your computer, memory stick, etc. If problems occur, you have the second download link still available to you.

May I file copies of an eBook?

No. As with a printed book, an eBook is only available to you in one copy. It may only be installed on one computer. You may install the eBook on a second computer only if it is promptly removed from the first one.

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